Arnold inspirerar till innehållsrika och spontana konversationer
R: You’re a disgrace to depression.
G: Yes you are.
R: Don’t bullshit me.
G: Jag skulle aldrig ljuga för dig. :) Jag har känt dig sen jag var sju.
R: Enough talk!
G: Com-esta?
R: One of us is in deep trouble.
G: No shit..
R: STOP cheering me up!
G: Give me the god-damn PAGE!
R: Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen.. then the hell with you!
G: You killed my father! You killed my mother.. You killed my.. people!
R: The riddle.. of steel..!
G: For the first time in my life I’m.. pissed off!
R: You luggage.
G: See you at the party Richta!
R: Well that hit the spot.
G: You started it.
R: Let off some steam, Bennet.
G: I like you. That’s why I’m going to kill you last.
R: This is war..
G: …. Cocainum.
R: .. let’s, kick some ICE!
G: You know what killed the dinosaurs? THE ICE AGE!
G: Mac. Mac? Mac! MAC!? Mac. Mac. MAAAAAAC!!! MAAAAAC!!!!
G. Did you leave anything for us?
R: Only pain.
Vem behöver samtalsämnen liksom? Arnold räcker gott och väl.